6 Tips from Virus

Lately I often USB mutually "pair", because it is not faithful to the "spouse" finally USB virus that infected my death, the documents in the format *. Doc, direct changes to *. exe, files into MP3 extension *. scr files, folders that the folder that is considered to be a virus, its all basic cable is a virus, because it simply annoyed me with a clear anti-virus program updates, virus already lost all but my old files are still in a state of hidden or hidden. Antivirus program can not restore a file or folder that is hidden due to viruses, so I use a technique to restore the folder due to the virus.

USB Alhamdullilah now I have sound again.

Fragment on the story experienced by almost all who splash with the computer in kesehariannya, if the first target the virus is a media CD, now switch to the USB media, because the reason the media is the most widely used at this time, easy to carry and already have a capacity of exceed DVD disk.
Below are 6 tips to be free from viruses:

1. Do not use pirated programs

"Oops, if that is Mr. Sulis , I know own the original price of the software? if calculated count rates to expensive computer software than price. " This is not only experienced by some people in Indonesia, but almost all those who have a computer, the solution is looking for freeware program for pirated programs we used, for example to replace Microsoft Office with Open Office.

Why do not use pirated programs, when we buy a program or download pirated programs, there is no crack huh? nah crack the average of the trojan. Trojan This

lets others access to our computer from a remote, not very dangerous.

2. Do not open the file indiscriminate

Note the names of the following files: "porn .jpg", "should not be opened", "secret", "a matter of UAS," "answer key", etc.. What will you do when I saw the names of the files over, open it? if you open it the desire of the creator of the virus have been met.

Yes, one of the spread of the virus is to disguise the name of the virus with names that make people want to open it. Important! so free from the virus do not open the files that are not clear or the presence of her origin-proposal. If you do not feel to copy the file directly in the USB then delete it because it can so that is a virus.

3. Update Antivirus

"Computers in the install antivirus, but I still get the virus?", May be a new antivirus program, but if you do not have the same update is also untrue, it should be remembered, created after finding anti-virus, anti-virus will detect the virus if the virus exists in the database antivirus, if your computer with the latest virus variants and you never to update it, can be ascertained will antivirus can not detect the virus.

From now on, in addition to using antivirus, anti-virus update continues with the latest update.

4. Disable Autorun Function

One way to computer virus infection is through the autorun feature in windows, this is marked with an autorun.inf file. To disable autorun, when want to enter a CD or USB to the computer, press and hold [SHIFT] and then enter the USB / CD to the computer, if my computer is new freelance [SHIFT] it.

5. Recommended Use USB Lock

USB lock is a feature that can make USB in read only mode or in read only, this feature is usually found in the USB Mp3, try to see whether you have the USB feature, if any - enable to plug prior to the computer. If the computer we used is a virus and to infection USB in plugin then will not be successful, because the USB does not provide autoritas to write a virus.

If you want to buy a new cable, it is advisable to purchase a cable lock features there, so the cable you will avoid the virus.

6. Use Linux

linux virus logo all created to infected now for the Windows operating system, so if you use a Linux operating system, then you will be free from viruses.

"I look different with Windows?, How difficult is dipakainya?", The question-pertanyan always want to appear when migrating to Linux, the answer to simple, Linux is actually the same as Windows, but because not only the look and menus that have so looks difficult, if every day forcing myself to try the Linux will habit.

Linux is an operating system that is currently still immune to Windows viruses, if you're bored already infected if the virus does not change any operating system with Linux.

Hopefully in the top 5 tips useful, if readers have other tips please added in the comment box.


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